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Publications (Photonic Networks Group)

Photonic network group

Main > Research

Research topics

High-speed photonic network systems
Photonic routing based on WDM information
Photonic routing system with all optical processing
High-speed photonic routing protocol
Optical integrated-circuits for signal processing in networks
Optical burst switching protocol
Optical buffering systems
Format conversion system for optical packet
High-speed all-optical switch using saturable absorption in graphene
Optical sensing using fiber sensing element and waveguide-type sensing device
Optical communication system using optical orbital angular momentum (OAM)


@IP traffic has been increasing rapidly. Photonic networks are expected to provide broad-band high-speed networking using optical-information processing. As fundamental technologies to realize such photonic networks, we have been studying broad-band photonic network based on dense-wavelength-division-multiplexing (DWDM) and high-speed photonic routing systems, in particular, all-optical packet routing systems and optical burst switching systems.

An example of photonic router configuration and our research topics

<Wavelength-selective all-optical switching circuit>
In photonic networks, optical switching controlled by an optical signal is expected to realize effective switching of optical packets. In particular, wavelength-selectivity is an important factor for effective processing of optical WDM packets. We have proposed a switching circuit using wavelength-selective amplification.

Wavelength-selective switch using amplitude control with wavelength-selective Raman amplifiers. A computer simulation by the beam propagation method is shown.

<Optical circuit for optical label recognition>
High-speed routing with optical labels is an promising technology in photonic networks. In the routing nodes, label processing such as label extraction, recognition and swapping is the fundamental functions. We have studied various methods to form optical integrated circuits for label processing for the optical labels. As examples, we have proposed self-routing circuit consisting of SOAs (semiconductor optical amplifiers) and optical circuits consisting of parallel acousto-optic switches.

Self-routing circuit for all-optical label recognition consisting of optical switches

<All-optical format converion for flexible networking>
Format conversion is required in future flexible photonic networks. Bandwidth of optical packets can be controlled flexibly according to the network link situations. We have studied all-optical formation conversion systems.

Study of all-optical format conversion

<Experiment of light control>
