1. Wei Wei Xu, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Oakamoto, Bin Bin Xu ; Large-Area Controllable Sliver Nanocrystal Pattern for Surface-Enhancesd Raman Spectrocopy, The 11th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2016), p.37, 松島, 2016年4月
2. Toshihoro Okamoto, Kota Tanikawa, Masanobui Haraguchi ; Metallic Split-Ring Resonator Metamaterial Fabricated by Nanosphere Lithography, The 11th Annual IEEE International Conference On Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2016), p.47, 松島, 2016年4月
1. Kota Tanikawa, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Fabrication of peelable film containing split ring resonator, The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field Optics (APNFO10), Vol.P2-21, p.126, Hakodate, 2015年7月
2. Ran Saito, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Fabrication of quadruply-split SRR by using nano-sphere and nano-hole structure, The 10th Asia-Pasific Conference on Near-field Optics (APNFO10), Vol.P2-21, p.127, Hakodate, 2015年7月
3. Toshihiro Okamoto, Takahiro Bando, Bong Choi, Masanobu Iwanaga, Hideki T.Miyazaki, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Second harmonic generation of matallic trench structures, The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field Optics (APNFO10), Vol.Contr8-1,p.55, Hakodate, 2015年7月
4. Hirotoshi Okade, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Dimultiplexter Based on Stubs in Plasmon Waveguide, The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field Optics (APNFO10), Vol.Contr8-1, p.70, Hakodate, 2015年7月
5. Koji Okuda, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Gap plasmon excitation into plasmonic waveguide using, The 20th MIRCOOPTICS CONFERENCE (MOC'15), No.H78, Hakata, 2015年10月
6. Kkoji Okuda, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Channel plasmon polariton excitation by Si waveguide, Asan CORE Student Meeting 2015 (ACORE'15), No.P-13, p.39, Osaka, 2015年12月
7. Kota Tanikawa, Toshihiro Okamoto, Syun Kamada, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Fabrication of magnetic metamaterials consisting of split ring resonator fabricated by nano-sphere lithography, Asian CORE Student Meeting 2015 (ACORE'15), No.P-15, p.41 Osaka, 2015年12月
8. Syun Kamada, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu HAraguchi ; Anti-symmetric Mach-Zehnder interometer in a layered plasmonic waveguide, Asian CORE Student Meeting 2015(ACORE'15), No.P-26, p.52, Osaka, 2015年12月
9. Wei Wei Xu, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Bin Bin Xu ; Large-Area Silver Nanocrystals Arrys for High Sensitive and Uniform Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, 6th International Conference on Applied Physiscs and Mathematics, p.M18, Singapore, 2016年1月
10. Yuusuke Takashima, Masato Tanabe, Masanobu Haraguchi, Yoshiki Naoi ; Theoretical investigation for the polarization in control in UV wavelength region by using eigen mode within subwavelength, 10th International Conference on Optics-photonics Design and Fabrication, p.1S2-08, Weingarten 2016年3月
11. Masanobu Haraguchi, Koji Okuda Takahiro Kaji, Toshihiro Okamoto ; Development of Plasmon-Si wire hybrid optical integrated circuit, 2nd international forum on Advanced technologies, pp.169-170, Tokushima, 2016年3月
12. Naoki Tamura, Toshihiro Okamoto, Akiko Nagasawa, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Optical magnetic-field response in a single split ring resonator, 2nd international forum on Advanced technologies (IFAT2016), p.263, Tokushima, 2016年3月
13. Shun Kamada, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Optical properties of anti-symmetric Mach-Zehnder interometer in a slab plasmonic wavegide, The 9th international conference on nanophotonics, p.P-02-026, Taipei, 2016年3月
14. Masanobu Haraguchi, Koji Okuda, Shun Kamada, Toshihiro Okamoto ; Polymer core channel plasmonic waveguide for Si-Plasmon hybrid photonic integrated circuit, The 9th internationl confernce on nanophotonics, P.IN-38, Taipei, 2016年3月
1. Sho Kawakami, Atsushi, Mori, Yoshihisa Suzuki, Shuichi Hashimoto, Masanobu Haraguchi, Tsutomu Sawada ; Nanostructure for Localized Surface Plasmon Coupled with Photonic Band of Gel-Immobilized Colloidal Photonic Crystal, Proceedings of the JSME/ASME 2014 International Conference on Materials and Processing ICPM2014, Detroit, 2014年6月
2. Salah E. El-Zohary, Mohamed A. Shenashen, Akinori Tuji, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Heterojunction of nano-poly (O-toluidine) in Silicon nanowires is investigated as a candidate heterojunction diode, Proc SPIE9170 Nanoengineering Fabrication Properties Optics and Devices XI, Vol.9170, pp.917006-1 - 917006-6, SanDiego, 2014年8月
3. Wei-Wei Xu, Bin-Bin Xu, Dan-Dan Zhang, Xue-Qing Liu, Lei Wang, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Fabrication of microelectrodes based on precursor doped with metal seeds by femtosecond laser direct writing, international symposium on photonics and optoeletrons (SOPO2014), p.20191, Suzhou, 2014年8月
4. Toshihiro Okamoto, Takahiro Bando, Bongseck Choi, Masanobu Iwanaga, Hideki T.Miyazaki, Kenzo Yamaguchi, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Second harmonic generation of reflective meta-surface with trench structure, The 4th Japan-Korea Metamaterials Forum, Vol.P7, Osaka, 2014年12月
5. Ran Saito, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Fabrication of quadruply split SRR by using nano-sphere and nano-hole structure, The 4th Japan-Korea Metamaterials Forum, Vol.P6, pp.46-47, Osaka, 2014年12月
6. Sho Kawalami, Atsushi Mori, Ken Nagashima, Shuichi Hashimoto, Masanobu Haraguchi, Tsutomu Sawada ; Observation of nanostructure for hybrid plasmonic-photonic crystal formed on gel-immobilized colloidal crystal, International Forum on Advanced Technologies IFAT2015 Proceedings, pp.140-142, Tokushima, 2015年3月
7. Yuusuke Takashima, Ryo Shimizu, MAsanobu Haraguchi, Yoshiki Naoi ; Improvement of Polarization Characteristics of UV-LED by Using Sub-Wavelength Grating with Low Index Underlayer, 7th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials, p.B1-O-11, Nagaya, 2015年3月
1. Akihiro Tazawa, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Mitsuru Kitamura ; Topology optimization of dielectric ring resonators in application on laser resonators and optical sensors, 10th World Congress on Structual and Multidisciplinary Optimization, pp.5079-1 - 5079-9, Orlando, 2013年5月
2. Toshihiro Okamoto, Yohei Kurata, Yuuki Imada, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Magnetic excitaion of LC resonance in single split-ring resonator, The 6th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP6), p.461, Ottawa, 2013年5月
3. Hirotoshi Okade, Toru Miyata, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Compact demultiplexer in V-groove plasmonic waveguide, The 6th International Conferece on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP6), p.459, Ottawa, 2013年5月
4. Hiroyuki Okamoto, Kenzo Yamaguchi, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto ; Characteristics of Nanoring Resonators with a Gap structure, The 6th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP6), p.460, Ottawa, 2013年5月
5. Kenzo Yamaguchi, Masamitsu Fujii, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu HAraguchi, Active plasmon devices, CLEO-PR & OECC/PS 2013, p.Wl4-4, Tokyo, 2013年7月
6. Hiroaki Suzuki, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Koji Oshodani, Toshiro Isu, Masuo Fukui ; Emission from metal slit arry on laser Diode electrode through evanescent field scattering process, The 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field Optics (APNFO2013), p.132, Singapore, 2013年7月
7. Soh Uenoyama, Yuta Kagoshima, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Split ring resonator fabrication and evaluation by using nano poles structure, Asia Student Photonics Conference 2013 (ASPC2013), No.O-12, p.42, Osaka, 2013年7月
8. Yuta Yokoyama, Toshiki Taniguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Consederation of surface plasmon sensor by in-plane rotation angle scanning of a metal grating, Asia Student Photonics Conference 2013 (ASPC2013), No.O-8, p.38, Osaka, 2013年7月
9. Hirotoshi Okade, Toru Miyata , Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Compact demultiplexer in V-groove plamonic waveguide, Asia Student Photonics Conference 2013 (ASPC2013), No.P-39, p.69, Osaka, 2013年7月
10. Toru Miyata, Hirotoshi Okade, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Improvement of fabrication method for Plasmon waveguide, Asia Student Photonics Conference 2013 (ASPC2013), No.P-34, p.64, Osaka, 2013年7月
11. Hiroaki Suzuki, Koji Oshodani, Masanobu Haraguchi, Masuo Fukui, Toshiro Isu, TOshihiro Okamoto ; The light extraction control of the semiconduct or light-emitting devices using plasmonic structure, Asia Student Photonics Conference 2013 (ASPC2013), No.P-40, p.70, Osaka, 2013年7月
12. Yuusuke Takashima, Ryo Shimizu, Masanobu Haraguchi, Yoshiki Naoi ; Optical characteristics of UV-KED with subwavelength grating, The 18th Microoptics Conference, p.H62, Tokyo, 2013年9月
13. Hirotoshi Okade, Toru Miyata, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi, Compact Demultiplexer in V-groove Plasmonic Waveguide, Optics & Photonics Taiwan the International Conference (OPTIC) 2013, No.2013-SAT-P0102-P009, Taoyuan, 2013年12月
14. Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto ; Photonic Metamaterial Crystal, International Symposium on Nanophotonics and Nanomaterials 2014, No.l07, pp.24-25, Beijing, 2014年1月
15. Soh Uenoyama, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi ; SRR Fabrication by Using Nano Poles Structure, International Symposium on Nanophotonics and Nanomaterials 2014, No.P-20, p69, Beijing, 2014年1月
16. Salah E. El-Zohary, Abduliah Azzazi, Hiroyuki Okamoto, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi, Mohamed A. Swillam ; Design optimization and fabrication of plasmonic nano sensor, Proc. SPIE 8994 Photonic and Photonic Properties of Engineered Nanostructure IV, Vol.8994, pp.89940V-1 -89940V-6, San Francisco, 2014年2月
1. Toshihiro Okamoto, TOmoya Ootsuka, Masaya Morizane, Tetsuya Fukuta, Shuji Sato, Masanobu Haraguchi, Masuo Fukui ; Size dependence of LC resonant wavelength of silver SRR, 3rd International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystal and Plasmonics (META'12), Vol.lll-10, p.61, Paris, 2012年4月
2. Hiroyuki Okamoto, S.Ohnishi, Kenzo Yamaguchi, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto ; Fabrication of plasmonic racetrack resonators with a trench structure, The sixth International Conference on Nanophotonics, p.178, Beijing, 2012年5月
3. Toshihiro Okamoto, Yohei Kurata, Tomoya Ootsuka, Shuji Sato, Tetsuya Fukuta, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Size dependence of LC resonant wavelength of silver SRR, The 2nd Korea-Japan Metamaterials Forum, Vol.P-12, pp.72-73, Tsukuba, 2012年6月
4. Kenzo Yamaguchi, Masuo Fukui, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi, Active Plasmon filter, Abstract of the 12-th international Conference on Near-field Optics nanophotonics and Related Techniques (NFO-12), p.197, DONOSTIA-S SEBASTIAN, 2012年9月
5. Naohhiro Kamon, Toru Miyata, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, High Q resonators in a waveguide, Abstract of the 12-th international Conference on Near-field Optics nanophotonics and Related Techniques (NFO-12), p.97, DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIAN, 2012年9月
6. Shinpei Tanabe, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshiro Isu, Genichi Shinomiya ; Surface Plasmon Polariton Grating Coupler on Piezoelectric Material Bonded with Conductive Si (100) Substrate, Abstract of the 12-th international Conference on Near-field Optics nanophotonics and Related Techniques (NFO-12), p.97, DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIAN, 2012年9月
7. Toshihiro Okamoto, Yohei Kurata, Tomoya Ootsuka, Shuji Sato, Tetsuya Fukuta, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Size dependence of LC resonance of individual silver SRR, The 12th International Conference on Near-field Optics Nanophotonics and related techniques (NFO-12), Vol.2, p.173, Donostia-San Sebastian, 2012年9月
8. Soh Uenoyama, Yuta Kagoshima, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Split-ring resonator fabrication and evaluation by using nano poles structure, Asia Student Photonics Conference (ASPC-2012), p.13, Osaka, 2012年9月
9. Toru Miyata, Soh Uenoyama, Naohiro Kamon, Toshihiro Oakamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Fabrication of cascade stub resonator in Plasmon waveguide, Asia Student Photonics Conference (ASPC-2012), p.28, Oasaka, 2012年9月
10. Yuta Kagoshima, Hiroto Hashiguchi, Toshihiro Oakamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Simulation of second harmonic generation due to dual excitation of localized surface plasmon in gold nano dimer, Asia Student Photonics Conference (ASPC-2012), p.49, Osaka, 2012年9月
11. Hiroyuki Okamoto, Kenzo Yamaguchi, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto ; Development of plasmonic racetrack resonators with a trench structure, SPIE8457 Plasmonics, SanDiego, 2012年10月
12. Yuusuke Takashima, Masanobu Haraguchi, Yoshiki Naoi ; Theoritical analysis for lineraly polarized emission in UV-LED with subwavelength grating structure, International Workshop on Nitride Semicondector 2012, p.MoP-OD-41, Sapporo, 2012年10月
13. Shinpei Tanabe, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Toshihiro Isu, Genichi Shinomiya ; Surface Plasmon Polariton grating coupler on the Ti diffused LiNbO3 channel waveguide, ICNOP 2012 : International Conference on Nanotechnology Optoelectronics and Photonics, Venice, 2012年11月
14. Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Oakamoto, Toru Miyata, Hiroyuki Oakomoto, Naohiro Kamon ; Stub structure in channel plasmonic waveguide, The Second Japan- Korea Workshop on Digital Holography an Information Ohotonics (DHIP) 2012, Tokushima, 2012年11月
15. Salah E. El-Zohary, Mohamed A. Shenashen, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Oakamoto ; Development of a Sensing Device for Detecting Refractive Index Changes by Using a Plasmonic Resonator, 1st International Conference on Innovative Engineering (ICIE2012), Alexander, 2012年12月
16. Salah E. El-Zohary, Mohamed A. Shenashen, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto ; Thin Film Heterostructure based on Nano-Polyaniline and Porous Silicon, 1st International Conference on Innovative Engineering (ICIE2012), Alexander, 2012年12月
17. Shinpei Tanabe, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi, Tohiro Isu, Genichi Shinomiya ; Fabrication and optical evaluation of 1D and 2D photonic metamaterial crystal, Photonics Global Conference 2012, Vol.c12a512, Singapore, 2012年12月
18. Takeshi Tajiri, Shuzo Matsumoto, Toshihiko Imato, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Microsphere optical biosensor for β-Galactosidase detection, 7th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Bioelectronics (M&BE7), p.D-P3, Fukuoka, 2013年3月
1. Shinpei Tanabe, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Tomoyasu Nakada, Masanobu Haraguchi, Michael Flockert, Toshihiro Okamoto, Toshiro Isu, Genichi Shinomiya ; Surface plasmon excitation by 2D-hexagonal plasmonic crystal, The 5th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP5)2011, Vol.MP-14, Busan, 2011年5月
2. Toshihiro Okamoto, Shuji Sato, Tomoya Ootsuka, Tetsuya Fukuta, Masanobu Haraguchi, Masuo Fukui, Visible near-infrared light scattering of single silver split-ring resonator, The 5th Internaational Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP5) 2011, Vol.TuP-38, p.54, Busan, 2011年5月
3. Hiroyuki Okamoto, Kenzo Yamaguchi, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Characteristics of plasmonic racetrack resonators in a ditch structure, The 5th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP5) 2011, Vol.Tup-81, Busan, 2011年5月
4. Michael, Shinpei Tanabe, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Tomoyasu Nakada, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshiro Isu, Genichi Shinomiya ; 2D-gap mode plasmonic crystal on photonic fiber end face, The 5th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP5) 2011, Vol.TuP-126, Busan, 2011年5月
5. Shinpei Tanabe, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Toshiro Isu, Genichi Shinomiya ; Chiped grating coupler for surface plasmon polariton excitation fabricated by scanning probe microscope lithgrarhy, The 8th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Nanophotonics and Near-Field Optics (APNFO), Adelaide, 2011年8月
6. Yoshifumi Fujiyoshi, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Takashi Yatsui, Motoichi Ootsu, Kazuya Hirata, Yoshinori Tabata ; Numerical simulation for non-adiabatic opptical near-field etching, The 8th Asia-Phcific Workshop on Nanophotonics and Near-Field Optics (APNFO), Adelaide, 2011年8月
7. Hiroaki Suzuki, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshiro Isu, Toshihiro Okamoto, Emission spectra from nano slit arrays on a LED electrode, The 8th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Nanophotonics and Near-Field Optics (APNFO) 2011, Adelade, 2011年8月
8. Hiroto Hashiguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Yohei Kurata, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Design of Localized plasmon mode at a gold nano dimer for SHG, Nanophotonics in Asia 2011, Shima, 2011年9月
9. Masanobu Haraguchi, Naohiro Kamon, Hiroaki SUzuki, Shinpei Tanabe, Hidenori Sokabe, Toshihiro Okamoto ; Stub structures in Gap plasmon waveguide, Nanophotonics in Asia 2011, Shima, 2011年9月
10. Masanobu Haraguchi ; Compact Resonators in Gap Olasmon Waveguide, BIT's 1st Annual Wourld Congress of Nano-S&T-201, Dalian, 2011年10月
11. Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Tetsuya Fukuta, Syuji Sato, Naohiro Kamon ; Compact Plasmonic resonators, 2012 Taiwan-Japan Nanophotonics and Plasmonic Metamaterials Workshop, Taipei, 2012年1月
12. Naohiro Kamon, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto ; Cascade stub resonator in V-groove Plasmon waveguide, 2012 Taiwan-Japan Nanophotonics and Plasmonic Metamaterials Workshop,Taipei, 2012年1月
Michael Flockert, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto ; Gap Plasmon
Modes of Infinite High Gaps Measured in layered silver structures by
ATR, 7th International Conference on Optics-photonics
Design&Fabrication, Yokohama, 2010年4月
Yasuyuki Koyama, Tatsuya Okuno, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi ;
Simple coupler for the gap plasmon waveguide, THE INTERNATIONAL
Michael Flockert, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu
Haraguchi ; Gap plasmon modes in finite and infinite gaps excited and
characterized with ATR method, THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON
NANOPHOTONICS 2010, Tsukuba, 2010年6月
Hiroyuki Okamoto, Kenzo Yamaguchi, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro
Okamoto ; Characteristics of plasmonic racetrack resonators, THE
Kenzo Yamaguchi, Masamitsu Fujii, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro
Okamoto, Masuo Fukui ; Micro Resonators Combined Linear And Nonlinear
For Compact Ultrafast Switching, Nonlinear Photonics 2010, Vol.NMB,
Karlsruhe, Germany, 2010年 6月, p.7
Tomoyasu Nakada, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Masanobu Haraguchi, Flockert
Michael, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masuo Fukui, Toshiro Isu, Okazaki.T,
Gen-ichi Shinomiya ; Modulator for Surface Plasmon Polariton Using
LiNbO3:Ti Plasmon Waveguide, 11th International Conference on
Near-field Nano Optics, Nanophotonics& Related Techniques (NFO-11),
Beijing, 2010年8月
Hidenori Sokabe, Tatuya Okuno, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto,
Masuo Fukui ; Compact wavelength selective filer in Gap plasmon
waveguide, 11th International Conference on Near-field Nano Optics,
Nanophotonics& Related Techniques (NFO-11), Beijing, 2010年8月
Hiroyuki Okamoto, Kenzo Yamaguchi, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro
Okamoto ; Characteristics of Racetrack Shape Resonators Using Surface
Plasmon Polaritons, 11th International Conference on Near-field Nano
Optics, Nanophotonics& Related Techniques (NFO-11), Beijing, 2010年8月
Tomoyasu Nakada, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Masanobu Haraguchi, Flockert Michael,
Toshihiro Okamoto, Masuo Fukui, Toshiro Isu, Okazaki.T, Gen-ichi Shinomiya ;
Modulator for Surface Plasmon Polariton Using LiNbO3:Ti Plasmon Waveguide, 11th
International Conference on Near-field Nano Optics, Nanophotonics& Related
Techniques (NFO-11), Beijing, 2010年8月
Shenashen M.A., El-Zohary S.E., Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi ;
Synthesis and Characterization of NanoPolyaniline/ Porous Silicon
Heterojunction, 10th Austrian Polymer Meeting and 2nd Joint
Austrian-Slovenian Polymer Meeting 2010, Leoben, Austria, 2010年9月, p.p-37
Toshihiro Okamoto, Hiroto Hashiguchi, Yohei Kurata, Yoshiki Matsushita,
Masanobu Haraguchi, Masuo Fukui ; Second Harmonic generation due to
field enhancement in gold dimer on KTP, 3rd German-Japanese Seminar on
Nanophotonics, IImenau,Germany, 2010年9月
Masanobu Haraguchi, Hidenori Sokabe, Tatsuya Okuno, Yousuke Matsuzaki,
Toshihiro Okamoto ; Gap plasmon waveguide, 3rd German-Japanese Seminar
on Nanophotonics, IImenau,Germany, 2010年9月
Toshihiro Okamoto, Hiroto Hashiguchi, Yoshiki Matsushita, Masanobu
Haraguchi, Masuo Fukui ; Second harmonic generation due to field
enhancement in gold dimer on KTP, The international Chemical Congress
of Pacific Basin Societies (PACIFICHEM 2010), Waikiki, 2010年12月
14. Tomoyasu Nakada, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Michael Flockert, Toshiro Isu, Genichi Shinomiya ; Surface Plasmon Polariton excitation by a Phase Shift Grating, International Confrence on Nanotechology, Optoelectronics and Photonics (ICNOP) 2011, p.24, PENANG.MALAYSIA, 2011年2月
16. Toshihiro Okamoto, Shuji Sato, Tomoya Ootsuka, Tetsuya Fukuta, Masanobu Haraguchi, Masuo Fukui, Visible near-infrared light scattering of single silver split-ring resonator, The 5th Internaational Conference on
Haraguchi, Tatsuya Okuno, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masuo Fukui ;
Characteristics of nonlinear Fabry-Perot resonator in a MDM plasmonic
waveguide, Abstract of the 7-th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field
Optics (APNFO-7), Optical Society of Korea, Jeju, 2009年11月, p.45
Okamoto, Yoshiki Matsushita, Masanobu Haraguchi, Masuo Fukui ;
Plasmonic Nonlinear Optical Effect of Hot Spot on the Nonlinear
Material, Abstract of the 7-th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field
Optics (APNFO-7), Optical Society of Korea, Jeju, 2009年11月, p.95
Nakada, Masanobu Haraguchi, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Masuo Fukui, Toshihiro
Okamoto, Toshiro Isu, Genichi Shinomiya ; Fabrication of a grating
coupler in surface plasmon polariton (SPP) waveguide by scanning probe
microscope (SPM) lithography, Abstract of the 7-th Asia-Pacific
Conference on Near-field Optics (APNFO-7), Optical Society of Korea,
Jeju, 2009年11月, p.70
Masamichi Taniguchi, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masuo Fukui
; Gap plasmon excitation by a fluorescent light source, Abstract of the
7-th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field Optics (APNFO-7), Optical
Society of Korea, Jeju, 2009年 11月, p.164
Fujiyoshi, Masanobu Haraguchi, Masuo Fukui, Toshihiro Okamoto ;
Numerical simulation for nonadiabatic optical near-field etching,
Abstract of the 7-th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field Optics
(APNFO-7), Optical Society of Korea, Jeju, 2009年11月, p.182
Okuno, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masuo Fukui ; Wavelength
selective filter and optical branching filter with a cascade stub
structure, Abstract of the 7-th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field
Optics (APNFO-7), Optical Society of Korea, Jeju, 2009年11月, p.183
Yamaguchi, Masamitsu Fujii, Tomohiro Inoue, Masanobu Haraguchi,
Toshihiro Okamoto, Masuo Fukui ; The optical characteristics of planar
bi-layered metallic prisms, 2nd International Conference on
Metamaterials, Photonic crystals and plasmonics(Meta’10), Cairo, Egypt, 2010年2月
Nakada, Masanobu Haraguchi, Yoshinori Nakagawa, Masuo Fukui, Toshihiro
Okamoto, Toshiro Isu, Genichi Shinomiya ; Fabrication of a grating
coupler in surface plasmon polariton (SPP) waveguide by scanning probe
microscope (SPM) lithography, Abstract of the 7-th Asia-Pacific
Conference on Near-field Optics (APNFO-7), Optical Society of Korea
Jeju, 2009年11月, p.70
Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masuo Fukui, Masamitsu Fujii ;Nonlinear
Characteristics of Optical Response of a Nano Metallic Sphere Coated by
a Kerr Material, Abstract of the 6-th Asia-Pacific Conference on
Near-field Optics (APNFO-6), Yellow Mountain, 2007年6月, p.19
Cai, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masuo Fukui ;
Characteristics of Plasmon propagation along a nano metallic sphere
array with a bend, Abstract of the 6-th Asia-Pacific Conference on
Near-field Optics (APNFO-6), Yellow Mountain, 2007年6月, p.131
Yamaguchi, Tomohiro Inoue, Masamitsu Fujii, Masanobu Haraguchi,
Toshihiro Okamoto, Masuo Fukui, Syuhei Seki, Seiichi Tagawa ; Electric
field enhancement effect of metallic nano bowtie, Abstract of the 6-th
Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field Optics (APNFO-6), Yellow
Mountain, 2007年6月, p.42
4. Masuo Fukui ; Surface-plasmon optics, 13th Microoptics Conference, Takamatsu, 2007年10月
Haraguchi, Satoshi Kiriyama, Shoichiro Fujisawa, Takao Hanabusa ;
Education of the ability to find solution through making WEB pages for
first-grade students, 6th Asian-Pacific Conference on PBL Program &
Abstract, tokyowomen’smedicaluniversity, Tokyo, 2006年5月, p.80
Kiriyama, Takao Hanabusa, Masanobu Haraguchi ; The self analysis of
setbacks in the WEB designer project, 6th Asian-Pacific Conference on
PBL Program & Abstract, tokyowomen’smedicaluniversity, Tokyo, 2006年5月, p.80
Fukui, Masanobu Haraguchi, David Fujio Pelleas Pile, Toshihiro Okamoto,
Dmitri K. Gramotnev ; Characteristics of Coupled Wedge Plasmonic
Waveguides, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Tokyo, 2006年8月
Cai, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masuo Fukui ; Aspect
dependence of localized plasmon resonance at nano metal rods, Abstract
of the 9-th international Conference on Near-field Optics,
Nanophotonics and Related Techniques (NFO-9), Lausanne, 2006年9月, p.34
Yamaguchi, Tomohiro Inoue, Toshiaki Ogawa, Yosuke Matsuzaki, Toshihiro
Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi, Masuo Fukui ; Evaluation of optical
characteristics of silver prism with rounded corners, Abstract of the
9-th international Conference on Near-field Optics, Nanophotonics and
Related Techniques (NFO-9), Lausanne, 2006年9月, p.39
Okamoto, Masaki Nakanishi, Kentaro Kamei, Kenzo Yamaguchi, Masanobu
Haraguchi, Masuo Fukui ; Nonlinear optical response of single Ag
particle coated with CdS, Abstract of the 9-th international Conference
on Near-field Optics, Nanophotonics and Related Techniques (NFO-9),
Lausanne, 2006年9月, p.53
Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masamitsu Fujii, Masuo Fukui ; Optical
characteristics of localized plasmons in metallic spheres simulated by
FDTD method with spherical coordinate, Abstract of the 9-th
international Conference on Near-field Optics, Nanophotonics and
Related Techniques (NFO-9), Lausanne, 2006年9月, p.138
Fukui ; Characteristics of plasmonic waveguides, Proceeding of 3rd
Symposium on Nanophotonics Science and Technology, Hua-Lien, Taiwan,
Fukui, Toshihiro Okamoto, Toshiaki Ogawa, David Fujio Pelleas Pile,
Masanobu Haraguchi ; Studies on Plasmonic Devices, Abstract of the 5-th
Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field Optics (APNFO-5), Niigata, 2005年11月, p.9
Yamaguchi, Masamitsu Fujii, Tadanobu Niimi, Masanobu Haraguchi,
Toshihiro Okamoto, Masuo Fukui ; Nonlinear optical responce of a
micro-sphere coated with a J-aggregates, Abstract of the 5-th
Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field Optics (APNFO-5), Niigata, 2005年11月, p.39
Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshiaki Ogawa, David Fujio Pelleas Pile, Toshihiro
Okamoto, Masuo Fukui, Shigeki Matsuo ; New plasmon waveguides composed
of twin metal wedges with a nano-gap, Abstract of the 5-th Asia-Pacific
Conference on Near-field Optics (APNFO-5), Niigata, 2005年11月, p.66
Fujio Pelleas Pile, Toshiaki Ogawa, Dmitri K. Gramotnev, Yosuke
Matsuzaki, K. C. Vernon, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi, Masuo
Fukui ; Theoretical prediction and experimental observation of strongly
localized plasmons in a rectangular dielectric nano-gap in a thin metal
film, Abstract of the 5-th Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field Optics
(APNFO-5), Niigata, 2005年11月, p.66
Ogawa, David Fujio Pelleas Pile, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi,
Masuo Fukui, Dmitri K. Gramotnev, Shigeki Matsuo ; Influence of wedge
tip radius on wedge plasmons characteristics, Abstract of the 5-th
Asia-Pacific Conference on Near-field Optics (APNFO-5), Niigata, 2005年11月, p.66
Fujii, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masuo Fukui ; Variation
of Whisperng Galley Modes with the Axial Ratio in a Single
Microspheroid, 2004 IEEE/LEOS Summer Topical Meetings, San Diego, 2004年6月
Fukui, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi ; Linear and Nonlinear
Optical Response of Concentric Metallic Nanoshells, 2nd International
Nanophotonics Symposium Handai Proceedings, Handai Frontier Research
Center, Interchange Association, Osaka, 2004年7月
Fujii, Masanobu Haraguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masuo Fukui ; The
characteristics of whispering gallery modes in a single spheroid: the
dependence on the direction of incident light beam, Abstract of the
8-th international Conference on Near-field Nano Optics and Related
Techniques (NFO-8), Seoul, 2004年9月, p.99
Ogawa, Masashi Nakayama, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi, Minoru
Kuwahara, Masuo Fukui, Shigeki Matsuo ; Microscopic approach to
clarifying mechanism ofλmaxshift on TiO2glass doped with Au
nanoparticles, Abstract of the 8-th international Conference on
Near-field Nano Optics and Related Techniques (NFO-8), Seoul, 2004年9月, p.146
Okamoto, Masanobu Haraguchi, Masuo Fukui ; Fabrication and optical
characterizations of CdS-coated Ag nano particles, Abstract of the 8-th
international Conference on Near-field Nano Optics and Related
Techniques (NFO-8), Seoul, 2004年9月, p.235
Haraguchi, Masahiko Noguchi, Masamitsu Fujii, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masuo
Fukui ; Nonlinear Optical Response of a Metal sphere Coated by a Kerr
Material: Numerical Simulation, Abstract of the 8-th international
Conference on Near-field Nano Optics and Related Techniques (NFO-8),
Seoul, 2004年9月, p.283
Haraguchi, Tatsuya Yamaguchi, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masuo Fukui ;
Numerical simulation of optical resonance properties related to the
local surface plasmon on a silver nano-particle, Crest & QNN’03 Joint International Workshop, Awaji, 2003年7月, pp.123-124